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Hasina urges all to stand by flood victims

Awami League president Sheikh Hasina yesterday urged countrymen to stand by the flood-affected people.
She also called upon leaders, activists, supporters of her party and its front and associate organisations, and people of all sociocultural backgrounds and professions to unite and support the flood victims.
Expressing concerns over the recent floods, Hasina said that the flood has suddenly taken a serious turn in some south-eastern districts of the country.
Hasina, the immediate-past prime minister of the country who resigned and fled to India in the face of a student-led mass uprising, said she had directed all to prepare in early July to tackle a severe flood.
“Earlier, we successfully helped the flood victims and handled the post-flood situation as leaders and activists of the Awami League and its associate bodies came forward.”
Sheikh Hasina expressed her deepest condolences to those who died in the current flood and urged the family members of the victims to have patience.
The statement, signed by AL office secretary Biplab Barua, was uploaded to AL’s verified Facebook page.
